Unique cultivation methods for the ultimate in dahlias

Unique cultivation methods for the ultimate in dahlias

Our growers use our exclusive cultivation innovations and smart software, which guarantees the best possible quality for our customers.

Grow smarter

We take great pride in innovative cultivation method, which is patented and therefore exclusive to My Dahlia Society. We raise plugs (young plants) in seed trays and transplant them to the greenhouse or outdoors as soon as they are ready. The plugs are cheaper, carry fewer weeds, do not need to be lifted, and can be cut much earlier.

Sustainable soil

By growing on coconut substrate, made from coconut shells, we work more efficiently and sustainably than in the open ground. The substrate absorbs water better, so less water is needed. It also eliminates any pathogens.

Light & heat

We’ve perfected our cultivation with a sophisticated balance of artificial light and heating. We choose the right light colour and optimum temperature for our dahlias, thereby determining the flowering time and head size, among other things. The plugs can also be put into the ground earlier thanks to artificial heat in the greenhouse.

Inspiring insight

Thanks to our online portals, we have razor-sharp insight into results and trends. For our growers, this means that we can tell them when and where there are opportunities for different varieties, colours, and segments. In addition, we help to optimize production processes by bundling and analysing the data of all growers.

Dream big

We are committed to being there for dahlia growers. We believe they can do their best work when they can focus 100% on their talent and passion. That is why we support them in all aspects, such as sales, distribution, and innovation. We work online, sustainably and with serious ambition, because a true dahlia grower dreams big. This gives our growers access to the patented cultivation method of My Dahlia Society.


With user-friendly online portals, we offer growers and buyers quick, simple and transparent insight into current trade. In addition, we share investments in research and development and we offer insight with smart reports and analyses. Finally, we share a state-of-the-art global distribution network. In this way, we ensure the fastest possible route from the field to the end customer. The end result is less stress, more attention to your product, and the best price. And that’s just the beginning!